Haley’s Healthy Hash

sweet potato hash

I haven’t exactly done much cooking in my new apartment. Unless you count reheating. I just find that my schedule can be unpredictable, so I don’t really plan meals in advance. By the time I get home from work and veg out for a bit, I’m not into the idea of preparing a ‘real’ meal. […]

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Save the Green!

I turned 24 a couple of weeks ago, but I’m far from being an adult. Exhibit A: I still haven’t mastered the art of grocery shopping. Aside from waiting until I run out of just about everything before getting my butt to the store, and never buying any meals, (snacks are important, too!) I continually repeat a third […]

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Not Your Mama’s Salad

I’ve always loved a good salad. The problem is, my definition of “good” basically means “not homemade.” I know the premise sounds simple – how can you screw up throwing some lettuce and a few ingredients into a bowl? But there always seems to be something missing when you throw a salad together at home. Because […]

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Don’t Kale My Vibe

If you’ve seen my Instagram lately, you probably noticed a picture of a brownie with green flecks inside. Maybe I’m too innocent for my own good, because it took me a while to process some of the comments I received, like “are you sure that’s kale??” I promise they were NOT weed brownies. But next […]

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