I turned 24 a couple of weeks ago, but I’m far from being an adult. Exhibit A: I still haven’t mastered the art of grocery shopping. Aside from waiting until I run out of just about everything before getting my butt to the store, and never buying any meals, (snacks are important, too!) I continually repeat a third food faux-pas.

I attempt to buy fresh, healthy produce…but I always forget to use it. Oh, you mean you’re supposed to actually consume the food you pay crazy amounts for?! Who knew?
The other day, I opened the veggie drawer and jumped back in horror. A near full bag of kale, three entire zucchinis, and a verrry ripe avocado were staring back at me. They all looked like they’d probably have to be put on life support soon if I didn’t intervene.
Blender to the rescue!
Just because certain ingredients may not be pretty after being neglected for a little while doesn’t mean they’re not usable. Should you invite guests over for a kale salad with avocado slices when the kale is sort of soggy and the avocado is turning brown? Probably not if you want the invite to be reciprocated. Should you throw the items in the blender and whip yourself up a healthy, filling smoothie? Absolutely.
Here’s what I threw into my “Save the Green” concoction:
- A generous handful of kale
- 1/4 of a large zucchini, sliced
- 3/4 of an avocado
- 1/2 frozen banana (if the banana is fresh, just throw in some ice cubes)
- 3/4 to 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- a heaping teaspoon of peanut butter (is there such a thing as PB Addicts Anonymous? Asking for a friend.)
This was probably one of the top three smoothies I’ve ever made, and it didn’t cost me $9 like the one I got at the airport last week! I got to ease my guilt/save the planet (does that apply here?) by using up my fresh ingredients. And I got to enjoy a delicious, guilt-free snack!
I saved two very different types of green ($ + veggies, duh) and ate green! Are you green with envy yet?
Note: If you’re looking to add some protein to your smoothie, you could use greek yogurt or sprinkle in some protein powder. As for the veggies, take a page out of my book and throw your entire veggie drawer in there – that method seemed to work pretty darn well for me!