I’ve been going to therapy once per week for about a year now. It’s the first time I’ve been consistent about it, and the first time I’ve developed a real connection with a therapist. The other day, my dad asked me if my anxiety was better. I told him that’s not really how it works. […]
Let it Out, Honey: Journaling
Really hope you guys got that Mean Girls reference. Anyway… It’s pretty obvious that I love to write. That’s why I started this blog, after all, and it’s what I do for a living, too! While I spend most of my day in front of a computer screen, I love getting my hands on a […]
Are Therapy & Dating the Same Thing?
Therapy is like dating. To be more specific, finding a suitable therapist is like finding a suitable significant other. In both cases, you do lots of research. Insurance websites and doctor rating sites aren’t so different from dating apps and social media stalking. Do they look normal? Are they accomplished? Where are they from? Where’d […]
Medication Generation
Some people think that depression is just a “trend.” That it’s become not only mainstream and acceptable to say that you have depression, but that it has actually become cool. One quick scan of Twitter will reveal that half of our feeds are covered in jokes and memes about being depressed. And, just like with anything else, […]