The Year of Investing in Myself

I’m a little over a week late on posting my New Year’s resolutions…but better late than never! I wanted to take the time to put some real thought into them. While I definitely want to eat healthier and work out more (AKA the “typical” resolutions) there are a lot of other things I can do to better myself. I wanted to focus on tangible things rather than vague ones so that I can develop an action plan to attain them and hold myself accountable.

Let’s see how I’ve done keeping up with last year’s resolutions, which you can find in full here!

  • Let people make their own decisions
    • I’m still working on this, and most likely always will be. But I’ve gotten a lot better at not letting other people’s problems consume me and, in turn, not forcing my opinions on them. This year, I want to expand this by no longer putting effort into relationships that don’t serve me. Friendships (and even familial relationships) should be mutually beneficial, after all. 
  • Make moves for the future
    • I took this one and ran with it! I started a new job in the fall and moved to New York City shortly after. It’s been a whirlwind and I have the eye twitch to prove it, but it’s been an incredible growth experience. I can’t wait to see where it takes me!
  • Spend more wisely
    • I’m not going to lie and say I crushed this in 2018. However, I swear I havebeen good about not shopping lately! Unfortunately, though, the money that not buying clothes should have left me is now going to crazy rent and living expenses. Give and take, huh?

As for this year, I have a bunch of resolutions, but I tried to separate them into smaller, more achievable chunks.

Here’s what’s on the docket for 2019:

  • Resolution: Spend less money on food
    • Action Plan:
      • Better preparation—like packing lunch daily instead of buying it
      • More self control—aka less takeout even when I really don’t want to cook!
  • Resolution: Develop better sleep habits
    • Action Plan:
      • Press “snooze” a wholeeee lot less
      • Stop using my phone 30 minutes before bed
  • Resolution: Get active
    • Action Plan:
      • Walk around this amazing city and visit the free parks!
      • Try services like Classpass and Groupon for affordable workout classes
  • Resolution: Lower my A1c (basically, blood sugars)
    • Action Plan:
      • Get back to better carb counting
      • Better sleep habits will help, too!
  • Resolution: Prioritize mental health
    • Action Plan:
      • Find a therapist I vibe with
      • Start meditating by using the app Headspace
  • Resolution: Be kinder to my skin and teeth
    • Action Plan:
      • No sleeping in makeup—NO excuses!
      • Brush and floss more
  • Resolution: Declutter
    • Action Plan: 
      • Organize drawers and closet
      • Keep out excess—get rid of clothes that I don’t wear, don’t buy things just because they’re on sale! 

One of my biggest overall resolutions is to pause and express gratitude more often. Yes, I want to work to better myself by using the above tools, but I’d also like to make more of an effort to recognize how far I’ve come!

What are your resolutions this year, and how will you hold yourself accountable? I’d love to hear!

Colorfully Yours,


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