I Scream for Ice Cream…Cupcakes!

cupcakes in a cone

If you clicked on this post expecting to find a slimmed down, guilt-free treat as usual, you’re going to be disappointed. Sorry to tempt you, but these cupcakes aren’t “skinny.” They are delicious, though. Last week it was my friend Melissa’s 24th birthday. I was heading into Boston to celebrate with her. Her roommate was […]

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Save the Green!

I turned 24 a couple of weeks ago, but I’m far from being an adult. Exhibit A: I still haven’t mastered the art of grocery shopping. Aside from waiting until I run out of just about everything before getting my butt to the store, and never buying any meals, (snacks are important, too!) I continually repeat a third […]

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Smoothie Queen

Forget Smoothie King. I’ve been blending up a storm of healthy smoothies for breakfast the past few weeks. I was getting a little sick of drinking my breakfast, though, so I decided to imitate those trendy juice spots and make my own bowl. I’ve been using the Carnation Instant Breakfast (No Sugar Added) packets and […]

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