Weekend Recap: #LDW

Labor Day is about paying tribute to the hardworking Americans that make our country what it is. It’s also about paying tribute to those bright summer outfits you’re having anxiety about not getting enough use out of. Since this blog is all about color and making statements, I thought it’d be wrong of me not […]

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The Long and Skort of It

My job consists of helping people pick out clothes all day. It’s safe to say that by the end of my shift I am just about crawling out of my skin with the need to go shopping myself. An alcoholic would probably know better than to work in a bar, but here I am trying to make […]

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When Life Gives You Lemons

I finally drank the Lululemon Kool-Aid. Well, let’s say I drank the discount Kool-Aid. I did make my first Lulu purchase, but I still have yet to buy a full-priced item. And I most likely never will. If you know me, you know I have a thing against paying full-price for anything. When I know certain brands eventually discount […]

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