story nyc

Imagine a retail store that changes its vibe as often as you change yours? Enter STORY. My friend and I stumbled upon STORY, a retail space in NYC, while we were walking to Chelsea Market. We were drawn in by the eccentric, colorful windows. When we walked in, we were greeted by a super friendly […]

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Book Review: Between Shades of Gray

between shades of gray

“Whether love of friend, love of country, love of God, or even love of enemy—love reveals to us the truly miraculous nature of the human spirit.” – Ruta Sepetys, Between Shades of Gray Let me tell you about one of the most powerful novels I’ve ever read. Chances are, you haven’t even heard of it. I […]

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Book Review: All the Missing Girls

all the missing girls

Ever since Gone Girl hit shelves years ago, it seems like every novel with a dark topic and a crazy plot twist has been likened to it. This bothered me so much. The books I did read that were compared to Gone Girl were, in fact, nothing like it at all. I felt like reviewers were just blanketing a […]

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Book Review Round-Up

book reviews

Obviously, I’ve been more than a little M.I.A. lately. Who knew starting a new life would be so distracting?! I’m quite behind on posting book reviews for you guys. Since I read these ones before the madness of moving even began, let’s just say the details aren’t the freshest in my memory. Because of this, […]

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Selena Gomez for Louis Vuitton

selena gomez

Those of you that follow fashion news will probably have seen these photos already, but I just couldn’t risk anyone missing out on them. Selena Gomez, one of my all-time favorite girl crushes, just debuted in Louis Vuitton’s latest campaign. Needless to say, Selena looks so fierce in the photos. I feel like her versatility […]

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Book Review: Lean In

lean in

If you haven’t read Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead yet, get to it ASAP. I can’t believe it took me so long to get to it myself – but I’m so glad I finally did. While Sandberg is currently known as COO of Facebook, that may be the least of her accomplishments, […]

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Book Review: A Certain Age

a certain age beatriz williams

You may have noticed that a few of the books I’ve reviewed here share a common time period: the 1920’s. I am unceasingly intrigued by the glamour and opulence of the time. Statement-making clothes, bold makeup, perfectly coiffed hair…and that’s just one aspect. The over-the-top parties and clandestine activities are sure to make any modern […]

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Book Review: A Small Indiscretion

If you follow me on Instagram (if not, why don’t you?!) then you probably saw my post about “Blind Date with a Book” a while back. If you haven’t heard about it yet, Blind Date with a Book is a new phenomenon in which you purchase a book that is covered with brown paper. There […]

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