Labor Day is about paying tribute to the hardworking Americans that make our country what it is.
It’s also about paying tribute to those bright summer outfits you’re having anxiety about not getting enough use out of.
Since this blog is all about color and making statements, I thought it’d be wrong of me not to share the outfits I chose to wear on the last real weekend of summer. Hold on – I think I have a piece of dust in my eye…
Without further ado, here is my weekend in photos:
“Looong Weekend” graphic sweater and a printed skort – both from Lilly sales this past winter and summer!
The cutest little house I ever did see. “The Flower Cottage,” Newport, RI.
Cliff Walk, Newport, RI.
When you’re near a Marylou’s, there is no such thing as ‘free will.’ You just go.
Castle Hill Inn, Newport, RI. For such an expensive place, they sure don’t worry about their grass.
Annnd one more with some greenery. Another Lilly sale find – it’s a romper!
I hope everyone had a fun, safe, colorful, and labor-free Labor Day Weekend! xo