I Found Affordable Dupes of the Best Outfits From “Emily in Paris” So You Don’t Have To: Part Two

As promised, I’m back with more Emily in Paris outfit dupes! After all, not all of us have the seemingly limitless salary of a fictional marketing associate living abroad. Colorfully yours, Haley Episode 6 Trendy Trench A metallic trenchcoat, sequined polka dot sweater and patterned shorts? Only Emily could make this look très chic. Dreamy […]

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NYC Apartment Tour

I moved into my “new” apartment five months ago…but I’m just finally getting around to sharing it with you. To be honest, it took me a long time to get it exactly how I wanted it—from waiting on backordered items to moments of indecision and pure laziness, this apartment was certainly not built in a […]

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