What the Fudge?! Three Ingredient PB Fudge

peanut butter fudge

I recently came across a recipe for peanut butter fudge – on Pinterest, of course.

The recipe claimed that the fudge only contained three ingredients and was vegan, gluten free and grain free. Based on quite a bit of Pinterest experience, I figured the ingredients were either totally obscure, gross, or both. But no! The ingredients were three totally normal, accessible items that I had in my pantry that very minute. WTFudge? Definitely too good to be true. I was sure the catch was that it was going to taste gross or bland.

Why did I proceed, then? Because A) I was bored and B) I wasn’t too torn up about the possibility of wasting three easy-to-obtain ingredients. Oh, and let’s add C) I am obsessed with all things peanut butter.

But you knew that already.

As I’m sure you already know since this blog post even exists, the recipe didn’t end up sucking at all. In fact, it was freakishly simple, quick and satisfying! The fudge had the perfect amount of sweetness to make you feel like you’re indulging without also feeling a cavity come on.

The only time involved in this (other than the 36 seconds it takes to stir the ingredients together on the stove) is allowing the fudge to firm up in the freezer for an hour. This was actually wonderful for me, as it pretty much ate up my last excuse to avoid doing my laundry.

Want to give this PB fudge a whirl yourself? Head on over to My Whole Food Life and grab the recipe!

Colorfully Yours,


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