We’re all living life in the digital age—and many of us are loving in it, too. As I’ve mentioned several times before, I’m no stranger (pun intended) to online dating. Neither is Eliza, the twenty-something protagonist of Hannah Orenstein’s novel, Love at First Like. Busy running a flourishing jewelry business in fast-paced New York City, […]
Festive Flicks: A Very Netflix Holiday
For some people, the highlight of the holiday season is decorating. For others, it’s finding a spot for the Elf on the Shelf. For me? It’s watching cheesy Netflix Christmas movies on my couch with a Frasier fir-scented candle burning in the background. As I gave my coworkers my rundown of the movies I watched […]
Get It Together: Bathroom Organization
It’s that time of year again. As we swap our wardrobes over from sundresses and flip flops to sweaters and boots, it’s the perfect opportunity for an organizational overhaul. This weekend, I finally tackled the seasonal closet switch that I’d been putting off for weeks. It’s honestly one of my least favorite tasks ever. I […]
Book Review: The Immortalists
If you could find out the exact date of your death, would you? How would that knowledge change the course of your life? These are the questions at the center of Chloe Benjamin’s The Immortalists. The novel follows four wildly different siblings from New York City after they each find out the day and year […]
Weekend Recap: Boston
For seven of the last nine years (nine?! woah) I’ve lived outside of Massachusetts. First, I was in Florida for college. Then, Connecticut. Now, New York. But no matter what, I always consider Mass my home. My former coworker used to tease me and say that I couldn’t hide the fact that I’m a Masshole if […]
Book Review: Where the Missing Go
If you don’t like murder mysteries, this is not the novel for you. If you’re a psychological thriller junkie like I am, you should add it to your cart. Full disclosure, I received this book for free as part of my InfluenceHer Essentials Summer Box, which you might’ve seen me mention on my Instagram. I […]
Logged On: My Morning Routine
Everyone has their own morning routine. Mine consists of pressing snooze about seven times and then finally panicking and shooting out of bed. I throw on clothes, brush my teeth and fly out the door—this all usually happens within a six minute period. And you thought I was high maintenance! Once I get to my […]
True Crime Podcasts I Can’t Stop Streaming
I’m bubbly, feminine, and bright. But I also love stories about murder and dark secrets. Go figure. I’ve been interested in this stuff for as long as I can remember…even though I was also afraid of my own shadow for many years. Since my commute to work has increased again, I’ve gotten back into the […]
Weekend Recap: Food, Friends & More Food
Sometimes you just need a couple of days with an old friend to center yourself. Lucky for me, my friend Kate came to visit last weekend and we had the best time. I haven’t had a chance to post about it until now, but I definitely didn’t want to skip the recap because there are […]
Weekend Recap
Last week, I ran a poll on Instagram Stories to see if you guys would be interested in seeing a “weekend recap” category on the blog. All but one person said yes, so here I am trying it out! If you find it ridiculously boring, please feel free to let me know…preferably in a nice […]